电影 虫王战队超王者:冒险天堂

动作片   电影 日本  2023  日语 

又名:电影虫王战队超王者冒险天堂/王者战队君王者电影版:冒险天堂/Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: Adventure Heaven


主演:酒井大成 渡边碧斗 村上爱花 平川结月 佳久创 


整理:2023-07-28 12:07:26

电影 虫王战队超王者:冒险天堂剧情介绍


During the grand coronation ceremony of Gira as king, the door to "Bakabaka, the land of death" is suddenly opened. What unprecedented ordeal awaits Gira and the other six kings in the Land of the Dead?

电影 虫王战队超王者:冒险天堂相关链接: 电影 虫王战队超王者:冒险天堂 之地 国王 死亡 ord 王战队 coronation 

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